Swiper demo

Pinning lock P 9000

This pc 9000 clipper is for the interior with 2 mutually open revolving doors. The clipper is among others for installation in a counter.

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Artikelnummer:  64141

table-top airlock P 9000

This lock is used to hand over large amounts of money, packages or suitcases and is used primarily in state central banks and large banks as well as in data centers. The lock is mounted on the existing counter - it is equipped with two bulletproof glass lifting windows that open upwards in alternating directions. The windows are electrically operated. A safety circuit eliminates the risk of injury and damage - the lifting windows are provided with appropriate protective strips.

Features of the table-top airlock P 9000

  • Installation: Installation on a counter indoors
  • External dimensions: W 1460 mm, D 954 mm, H 1950 mm
  • Passage size: W 1200 mm, D 640 mm, H 840 mm

Version of table-top airlock P 9000

  • Execution: according to customer requirements

Resolution class table-top lock P 9000

  • Fire protection class: UVV-Kassen, up to FB 7

Additional information about the product Tabletop airlock P 9000

supplier: SITEC GmbH