Imprint / Disclaimer
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Fabrikstrasse 2
8360 Eschlikon - +41 (0)71 970 01 71
CH VAT number: CHE-110.100.655
CH ZAZ number: 2857-0
Copyright / Disclaimer
All content of the website (text, images, etc.) and web design © by Nettowerbung GmbH. The homepage is protected by copyright, Swiss copyright law, intellectual property rights and all other corresponding rights. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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address / owner
- INTECH ICS AG Fabrikstrasse 2
8360 Eschlikon - +41 (0)71 970 01 71
CH VAT number: CHE-110.100.655
CH ZAZ number: 2857-0
The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the site are, unless otherwise stated, trademarks of INTECH ICS AG. There are no rights to use these marks without the written permission of INTECH-ICS AG.
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All messages, graphics and the design of the INTECH ICS AG websites are intended solely for the personal information of customers. Use is at your own risk. No liability is accepted for the use of the service or its unavailability. This also applies to any consequential damage.
The original language of the website is German. INTECH-ICS AG assumes no liability for translation errors.
Technical changes and errors reserved.
Eschlikon, July 2022