References Intech-ICS AG

Luggage locker

With the renewal of the SBB lockers, INTECH-ICS AG and its partners have set new standards in the area of ​​locker systems. The SBB stations in Geneva, Bern, Zurich and St. Gallen have already been equipped with the new luggage locker systems. Other MGB, RhB, PostAuto and TPF stations are also equipped. The new system allows customers to integrate various options into their system. For example, lockers can be used by parcel services so that they can be used as collection points.

Details locking specialist systems

Mobile banking system

More than 120 mobile banks have already been installed throughout Switzerland. The mobility and high level of flexibility allow us to stand out from our competitors. Another, but significant, advantage is that the Cash Corner requires very little floor space. Our customers also appreciate the large advertising space that the mobile bank offers. Our mobile bank containers also offer a safe solution for renovation work at your bank without having to close the location.

Details Mobil Bank

Access systems

Our people separation systems are used in various areas. This includes handling the rush of visitors at Zurich Zoo and keeping people who are not authorized to enter protective facilities, banks, etc.

Details access systems

Safety glass

The safety glass we use sets new standards in terms of thickness and weight optimization. Our safety glass protects objects, valuables and people all over the world. Our customers appreciate the combination options of our glass types from burglar resistance (RC) to bullet resistance (BR) including fire protection (EI) and, if necessary, compliance with the insulation value (Uw). Our process also sets new standards for burglar-resistant safety glass for escape doors with panic locks in accordance with EN 1627ff:2011.

In the area of ​​machine tools, our glass not only ensures safe working behind the protective glass, but also provides a clear view of the parts to be machined.

Details safety glass


Hammerglass is the new generation of unbreakable glass made from nano-surface treated polycarbonate. A durable and wear-resistant polycarbonate plate, 300 times stronger than glass and practically unbreakable.

The Hammerglass plates are coated with a thin layer of
Silicon oxide coating that protects against scratches and wear. A
nanotechnological surface treatment makes Hammerglass resistant
to most chemicals, so graffiti can easily be removed from the
surface - and prevents pollutants from
Exhaust fumes, oil and asphalt stick to Hammerglass as easily as to
ordinary glass.

It is used in infrastructure such as noise barriers as well as to protect personal items.

Details Hammerglass

Reception switch

We manufacture counter windows up to the highest security classes in terms of bullet resistance, burglary resistance and fire resistance. The counter windows are installed in a brick wall or a metal facade.

Depending on your requirements, this can result in a facade switch or a counter switch. Federal, cantonal, city and municipal administrations rely on the security of our customized solutions.

Details reception switch

Hub and sliding window

We manufacture lifting windows and sliding windows that, like our glazing, feel at home anywhere. Regardless of whether you need fire protection, bullet resistance or burglary protection, our automatic windows can be integrated into the internal alarm and building technology.

You come into contact with our windows all over the world, be it on the terraces of the Champs Élysées, in Disneyland Shanghai, in subway stations and Dior stores, in pharmacies or in the VIP boxes of Old Trafford Stadium in Manchester, as well as at airports or on your neighbor's balcony.

Details lifting window and sliding window