New locking facility in Lucerne

On June 4, 2020, the SBB in Lucerne was allowed to take over the new locker system. In total, customers now have six locker systems between tracks 14/15 at their disposal. INTECH-ICS AG is proud that the system in Lucerne was able to be realized together with the SBB and would like to thank them for the order. The SBB has published the following press release:
On Thursday, June 4, 2020, the SBB will open the new locker system in Lucerne station. The lockers come in five different sizes and can be opened with a QR code.
The system now offers five compartment sizes instead of three: from S for hand luggage or briefcases to XXL for large suitcases or bulky luggage. The compartments can be easily opened with a QR code. A key is no longer required. You can pay for the lockers at central payment columns in cash, by card or TWINT. Prices range from 5 to 12 francs depending on the size of the locker. The payment columns have multilingual user guidance. The new lockers are located on the platform between tracks 14 and 15.

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