Fire protection
More effective fire protection: Prevention and Safety
Under fire protection refers to all measures that prevent the outbreak and spread of a fire and enable the rescue of people and animals as well as effective extinguishing work in the event of a fire.
The fire behaviour of materials is divided into classes, taking into account flammability, flame spread and heat release. Combustibility increases from RF1 to class RF4:
- RF1 (no fire contribution)
- RF2 (small fire contribution)
- RF3 (permissible fire contribution)
- RF4 (unacceptable fire contribution)
Technical requirements for components in the event of fire
Components must retain their function (load-bearing capacity, smoke tightness, prevention of fire spread by thermal radiation or thermal conduction) for a specified period of time in the event of fire.
The main performance criteria for determining fire resistance are:
E for room closure
The integrity of the space describes the ability to withstand a one-sided fire impact in such a way that significant amounts of flames or hot gases do not contribute to the spread of the fire on the side facing away from the fire.
I for thermal insulation
Thermal insulation describes the ability of the component to withstand a one-sided fire load in such a way that the transmission of fire is excluded, even if there is significant heat transfer to the opposite side.