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Model RLU Tension/Compression Universal Load Cell

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Artikelnummer:  50029-RLU00250

Model RLU Tension/Compression Universal Load Cell

Our RLU load cell or force sensor is a device that converts load or force into an electrical signal.
The RLU load cell should be mounted on a hard, flat surface. Tension/compression load cells measure the force applied to the center threads of the load cell.
Care should be taken not to subject the Model RLU Load Cell to a load or force that exceeds its capability. The range selected for the Model RLU Tension/Compression Load Cell (Universal Load Cell) should therefore be suitable for the maximum force (including transient forces) that can be applied to it.
The RLU transducer is a strain gauge transducer and has a mV output which may require an amplifier. For the RLU we can offer a variety of high quality, low noise and high precision strain gauge amplifiers.

Additional information about the product Model RLU Tension/Compression Universal Load Cell

supplier: RDP Electronics Ltd

type of load cell Universal
load cell range 5kN, 10kN, 50kN
material -
accuracy 0.005, 0.0025, 0.001

Documents for the product Model RLU Tension/Compression Universal Load Cell

Please ask us for the data sheet.