Company history

Christine und Markus O. Krapf gründeten 1995 in CH-8363 Bichelsee die Einzelunternehmung INTECH-KRAPF. Neben dem technischen Handel mit herkömmlichen Produkten für die industrielle Automation hat sich das Unternehmen immer stärker Richtung Vertrieb von Kommunikations-, Sicherheits- & Industrietechnik entwickelt. INTECH-KRAPF hat sich erfolgreich mit dem Vertrieb von Eigen- und Fremdprodukten für die Störmelde-, Fernwirk-, Steuerungs- und Datenkommunikationstechnik auseinandergesetzt.

INTECH-KRAPF gewann die Ausschreibung Erneuerung Weichenheizung der SBB. Mit der TBOX konnte schweizweit die Steuerung für die Weichenheizungen für die SBB geliefert und installiert werden.



Christine und Markus O. Krapf gründeten 1995 in CH-8363 Bichelsee die Einzelunternehmung INTECH-KRAPF. Neben dem technischen Handel mit herkömmlichen Produkten für die industrielle Automation hat sich das Unternehmen immer stärker Richtung Vertrieb von Kommunikations-, Sicherheits- & Industrietechnik entwickelt. INTECH-KRAPF hat sich erfolgreich mit dem Vertrieb von Eigen- und Fremdprodukten für die Störmelde-, Fernwirk-, Steuerungs- und Datenkommunikationstechnik auseinandergesetzt.


INTECH-KRAPF won the SBB tender for the renewal of point heating. With the TBOX, the control for the point heating for the SBB could be delivered and installed throughout Switzerland.


The existing infrastructure in Bichelsee became too small. They found and moved into larger premises in CH-8362 Balterswil. There was enough space here for an office, warehouse and technical laboratory. Due to the new spatial and personnel possibilities, INTECH-KRAPF was also active internationally in special customer projects.


INTECH-KRAPF was involved in the ticketing project for Autostadt, Wolfsburg, Germany. Thanks to our flexibility, the Autostadt opted for our system and we were able to deliver the complete ticketing made by INTECH to Wolfsburg.


SCHLAEFLI AG joins INTECH. Schlaefli AG is a Swiss company with international operations. Security, access and communication systems as well as cash register equipment and counter systems have been manufactured and sold for over 40 years. In many countries, transport companies, banks, administrations, industrial, sports and amusement facilities are the places where Schlaefli products are used. The highest quality and absolute reliability are at the top of the company's philosophy. Christine and Markus O. Krapf take over the management of SCHLAEFLI AG. From this point on, all work will be carried out by INTECH employees. Together with partner companies, Schlaefli plans, manufactures and installs complete cash systems, porter's lodges, personal and material locks, also with high security requirements

The first cash corner goes into operation in Burgdorf. The external ATM was developed and produced in cooperation with the ATM manufacturers.


The first overhead locker system with a pay station will be installed and put into operation in Davos for the RhB.
Find out more about the lockers.


The stock corporation INTECH-ICS AG was founded from the sole proprietorship and has taken over 100% of all the tasks of the previous company. The new company is still fully owned by the family.


Zurich Airport also opted for our overhead lockers. In 2004, the first lockers at Zurich Airport were opened to international visitors.


The management of INTECH took over the entire share package of the company Schlaefli AG. It became the family property of Christine and Markus O. Krapf. Schlaefli's registered office was relocated from Hergiswil / NW to Balterswil / TG.


Between 2006 and 2007, most of the counters of the Aargau canton police were redesigned. INTECH-ICS was awarded the contract to plan, manufacture and install the 13 switches. Taking into account the new safety requirements, we carried out all work (metal, wood and electricity) and delivered the components. With this order, the foundation stone "security from a single source" was laid.
Find out more about the counter distribution systems.


INTECH-ICS installed the world's first refrigerated lockers in Sihlcity.


The canteen in the RAZ Herzogenbuchsee was equipped with a lifting window for serving food.


The security gates for the personnel were delivered and installed at Zurich Airport.


The first rental bank container was developed and built by INTECH-ICS. It can be rented so that the bank can continue to operate while the branch is being remodeled.


As the company grew, the premises in Balterswil became too cramped. After a long search for suitable rooms, we found what we were looking for. The office workplaces were relocated to the neighboring village of Wallenwil. New storage space has been added in Balterswil.


The tunnel monitoring of the VBZ was realized by us.


SBB relies on our know-how! The latest generation of lockers for the SBB were put into operation at the Geneva location.


The 100th mobile bank was placed in Couvet. Special drive-in version.


The founding couple Krapf are allowed to go into their well-deserved retirement. The INTECH team would like to thank you very much for your tireless efforts. A succession plan has been found. Gunnar Hubmann and Christian Böhlen, two long-term employees, take over the business. You want to continue the company according to the motto “stay true to the roots and grow healthily”.

All employees stayed and were taken over by the new management.

The names INTECH and SCHLAEFLI will now disappear from the logo. Everything runs under the name INTECH-ICS.

The largest SBB locker system in Switzerland was installed in Zurich.


INTECH-ICS AG setzt die Tradition von Fuchs Technik Schweiz GmbH fort, indem wir ein umfassendes Sortiment an hochwertigen Metallmöbeln anbieten. Unsere Produkte reichen vom robusten Garderobenschrank aus Metall bis hin zu spezialisierten Schubladenstock-Modellen. Ob Sie einen sicheren Skischrank oder einen praktischen Snowboardschrank suchen, wir haben die Lösung. Für Organisationen bieten wir massgefertigte Garderobenschränke aus Metall, die Ordnung und Effizienz steigern. Jeder Garderobenspind oderGarderoben-Schrank reflektiert unsere Qualität und Innovation.

INTECH-ICS AG übernimmt die Vertretung von Hammerglass in der Schweiz. Unsere Kooperation mit Hammerglass AG aus Schweden stellt sicher, dass Sie innovative Sicherheitsglas-Polycarbonat Lösungen erhalten, die effektiven Schutz und unübertroffene Langlebigkeit bieten. Egal, ob für private oder kommerzielle Projekte, unsere bruchsicheren Verglasungssysteme stehen für Qualität und Sicherheit, die Ihren Ansprüchen gerecht werden.


Wir gehen auch an nur schwer zugängliche Baustellen.

Im Dezember wurde für ein verkehrstechnisch abgelegenes Objekt ein Hebefenster transportiert und durch die Firma INTECH-ICS AG montiert. Das Hebefenster-Glas wurde speziell für die vorgegebene Höhe hergestellt.

Nur Dank sehr guter Koordination aller Involvierten konnte der Transport durchgeführt werden.

Seit dem 01.07.2022 sind an der Fabrikstrasse 2 in CH-8360 Eschlikon zu finden.


Wir sind das erste Mal an der Suisse Public in Bern.