Swiper demo

ACW - TM1D - Digital temperature reader

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Artikelnummer:  63018-ACW/TM1D-LW

LoRaWan Digital Temperature Reader ACW - TM1D

Ideal product for remotely monitoring the temperature of any object. The ACWTMxD radio modem alerts you when high or low thresholds are exceeded.
Equipped with 1 digital contact sensors, the ACW-TMxD radio module is versatile and will find its place in many applications.

Typical applications LoRaWan Digital Temperature Reader ACW - TM1D

– Legionellosis prevention
– Boiler rooms – Cold rooms
– Industrial equipment

Additional information about the product ACW - TM1D - Digital Temperature Reader

supplier: Atim Sàrl

frequency 868 MHz
technology LoRaWan
supply voltage -
entrances -
outputs -
interface -