Atim Lorawan / Sigfox

LoRaWan sensors are mainly used in the smart industry to control remote devices.

LoRaWAN™ defines the communication protocol and system architecture for the network, while the LoRa® physical layer enables the long-distance communication link. The protocol and network architecture have the greatest impact in determining the battery life of a node, network capacity, quality of service, security, and the variety of applications served by the network.

In a LoRaWAN™ network, the nodes are not connected to a specific gateway. Instead, the data transmitted by a node is typically received by multiple gateways. Each gateway forwards the received packet from the end node to the cloud-based network server via a backhaul (either cellular, Ethernet, satellite, or Wi-Fi). The intelligence and complexity is passed on to the network server, which manages the network and filters redundant received packets, performs security checks, schedules acknowledgements by the optimal gateway, performs adaptive data rate, etc.

It is extremely important that any LPWAN has security features. LoRaWAN™ uses two layers of security: one for the network and one for the application.

Network security ensures the authenticity of the node in the network, while the application layer of security ensures that the network operator does not have access to the end user's application data. AES encryption is used in key exchange using an IEEE EUI64 identifier.

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23 products
  • ACW - Dind160 I/O
    LoRaWan I/O für DIN Schiene ACW - DIND160
    Normal price
    CHF 390.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 390.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW - Dind21 I/O
    LoRaWan I/O für DIN Schiene ACW - DIND21
    Normal price
    CHF 266.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 266.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW - Dind44 I/O
    LoRaWan I/O für DIN Schiene ACW - DIND44
    Normal price
    CHF 325.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 325.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW - Dind80 I/O
    LoRaWan I/O für DIN Schiene ACW - DIND80
    Normal price
    CHF 325.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 325.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW - Dind88 I/O
    LoRaWan I/O für DIN Schiene ACW - DIND88
    Normal price
    CHF 389.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 389.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW - Dinda - analog sensor
    LoRaWan Sensor/Adapter 4-20mA oder 0-10V ACW - DINDA
  • ACW - GW - Sigfox Repeater
    Sigfox Repeater ACW - GW
  • ACW - LVL - level measurement
    LoRaWan Pegelmessung ACW - LVL
  • ACW - TH -O - Exterior temperature sensor
    LoRaWan Aussentemperatur Sensor ACW - TH-O
  • ACW - TM0P - PT100/1000 -temperature probe
    LoRaWan PT100/1000-Temperatursonde ACW - TM1P
  • ACW - TM1D - Digital temperature reader
    LoRaWan Digitaler Temperaturleser ACW - TM1D
  • ACW - TM1P - PT100/1000 -temperature probe
    LoRaWan PT100/1000-Temperatursonde ACW - TM1P
  • ACW - TM2D - digital temperature reader
    LoRaWan Digitaler Temperaturleser ACW - TM2D
  • ACW - TM2P - PT100/1000 -temperature probes
    LoRaWan PT100/1000-Temperatursonden ACW - TM2P
  • ACW - WL - Lorawan detector for fluid leaks
    LoRaWan Detektor für Flüssigkeitslecks ACW - WL
  • ACW -Dinrsm - Modbus Master RS485
    LoRaWan Modbus Master RS485 ACW-DINRSM
  • ACW-MR2-Ex-Monitoring ATEX
    LoRaWan Überwachung ATEX ACW-MR2-EX
  • ACW -MR4 - monitoring of sensors
    LoRaWan Überwachung von Zählern ACW-MR4
    Normal price
    CHF 118.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 118.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • ACW-TH-I-Inner temperature sensor
    LoRaWan Innentemperatur Sensor ACW-TH-I
  • Comfort and energy efficiency sensor THX
  • Comfort and air quality sensor Thaq
    Komfort- und Luftqualität-Sensor THAQ
  • Lorawan temperature and air humidity sensor ACW-TCR
    Normal price
    CHF 315.00 inkl. MWST
    Special price
    CHF 315.00
    Normal price
    inkl. MWST
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Lorawan/Sigfox Signal tester
    LoRaWan Netzwerktester / Signaltester