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ACW-MR2-Ex-Monitoring ATEX

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Artikelnummer:  63014-ACW/MR2-EX-LW

LoRaWan monitoring ATEX ACW-MR2-EX

This is the ideal product to monitor the status of a system (start - stop) or to be notified in case of a problem.
It can also report a water, gas, electricity meter index (pulse).
Compared to current technologies, the ACW-MR2-EX is connected to the new LoRaWan network, which enables a very good range and excellent obstacle penetration.

function LoRaWan monitoring ATEX ACW-MR2-EX

With its master or slave Modbus function, it is versatile. Configuration is done via USB.
The ACW-MR2-EX enables the reporting of two digital inputs to a web platform and the remote reading of the measurement data of a water and electricity meter, which takes place at regular intervals (configurable reporting time). This product is certified according to ATEX standards.

characteristics LoRaWan monitoring ATEX ACW-MR2-EX

- Excellent radio performance, internal antenna
- Easy testing by pressing the button on the front
- Access to the Atim Cloud Wireless Platform
- Low cost, low power consumption
- Easy to use, quick start
- Certification according to ATEX standards

Additional information about the product ACW-MR2-EX - Monitoring ATEX

supplier: Atim Sàrl

frequency 868 MHz
technology LoRaWan
supply voltage battery
entrances -
outputs -
interface -